Basic Team Rules -- Our Cross Country Constitution

Here are some of the basic team rules that you will need to follow. More specific rules are found in the team handbook given out at the beginning of the season. These are rules I want you to be aware of on the first day of practice and to remember throughout the season.

  1. Get to know your teammates.
  2. Go out of your way to help your teammates whenever you can.
  3. Give positive comments to teammates.
  4. Keep in mind that both positivism and negativism are highly contagious. Which attitude are you bringing to the team?
  5. Get your attitude and disposition right BEFORE going to practices and meets.
  6. Be fully responsible for yourself on the course, in the class, and in the community.
  7. Be your own best igniter.
  8. Communicate clearly, honestly, and openly with me, your Coach. and your teammates.
  9. Give 110% at all times!
  10. Remember to have FUN!

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