"I believe that the trials which beset me today are but the fiery tests by which my character is strengthened, ennobled, and made worthy to enjoy the higher things of life, which I believe are in store for me. I believe that my soul is too grand to be crushed by defeat; I will rise above it. I believe that I am the architect of my own fate. Therefore, I will be master of circumstances and surroundings, not their slave. I will not yield to discouragement. I will trample them under foot and make them serve as stepping stones to success. I will conquer my obstacles and turn them into opportunities. I will not waste my mental energies by useless worry. I will learn to dominate my restless thoughts and look to the bright side of things. My failure of today will help guide me to victory on the morrow. The morrow will bring new strength, new hopes, new opportunities, and new beginnings. I will be ready to meet it with a brave heart, a calm mind, and an undaunted spirit. In all things I will do my best, and leave the rest to the infinite." -ANONYMOUS-


If you think you are beaten you are.

If you think you are outclassed you are.

The race doesn't always go to the stronger or faster.

Sooner or later the runner who wins is the runner who thinks he can.

Building Success

Unlike winning, success can be experienced by everyone everyday. It doesn't come easily or immediately, however. Following are six attitudes that are necessary to help build success in life.

1. The desire to strive for excellence.

2. The realization that nothing of value can be achieved without hard work and dedication.

3. The desire to display self-confidence.

4. The desire to show one's ability in competition.

5. The desire to cooperate as part of a team.

6. The desire to have fun.

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